Nathan Detweiler

In September 2004, Nathan Detweiler had a bicycle accident while attending college in Indiana. His bike hit a tree and Nathan was flipped over the handlebars! Nathan sought medical attention and through the course of the workup a chest x-ray revealed some enlarged lymph nodes. Further testing led to the diagnosis of Rhabdomyosarcoma. Nathan moved home to Iowa to undergo treatment at the University of Iowa.

It was a bumpy road for Nathan and his family. After several years of medical treatments which included chemotherapy, surgery, radiation therapy and a stem cell transplant, Nathan is disease free! I had the honor of being Nathan's Oncology Nurse during his treatments at the Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center Clinic. I was very happy to attend his wedding last summer. What a beautiful occasion and yes, I cried! I am proud to present this photograph of Nathan as he participated in RAGBRAI. Nathan is currently a graduate student here at the University of Iowa in the School of Social Work.